I got birds.
Twenty-two twenty-three different kinds (and the day isn't over yet).
All in my yard, coming to visit me on this gentle, quiet Mother's Day.
Exactly what I wanted.
Oh....I also got the usual, cards, flowers, even some chocolate. I know my boys love me. But they also gave me...quiet.
No TV.
Just birds.
Just a sunny, comfy room, some coffee, some chocolate, big windows, lots of bird feeders.
I know some moms get diamonds. Or brunch. Or cards or a big gathering of kids and maybe grandkids,too. I hope if you are a mother, whatever you got today was your favorite.
Maybe I'm strange, but what I got was my favorite.
I love you, Jordan.
I love you, Nick.
I love you, Bob.
Thanks for the quiet.
And the birds.
I didn't mention....I took LOTS of pictures today. Here are some faves:
First Baltimore Oriole to visit this year, this one a young male |
Mr. Hairy Woodpecker. He and the Missus were creating quite a ruckus today. I think they like each other. |
Blue Jay thinks the wren house might be just right |
Pine Siskin |
Mr. Jelly Eater, the second Baltimore Oriole to visit today |
One of my absolute faves, a young rose-breasted grosbeak. We'll be seeing more of his ilk in the coming days. |
A happy couple of Evening Grosbeaks |
Nothing but blurry pics to show of our first hummingbird of the year |
Lincoln's Sparrow...glad I spotted him today |
Song Sparrow |
Pretty robin in the tree behind the sauna |
Tree swallows nesting back by the garden |
love the racing stripes of a White-Crowned Sparrow |
My yard is full of Savannah Sparrows, hopping through the grass or guarding the feeder |
Mr. American Goldfinch has her right where he wants her |
Bad picture of a good bird...Indigo Bunting...scared off in three seconds flat by Mr. Savannah who is still probably... |
...guarding the feeder |
Happy Mother's Day!