
Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Just Breathe....

I knew this would happen.

I feel so calm today.

My shop has a zen-like feeling to me, in part, at least a little, because of this cute little essential oils diffuser I bought from a friend a couple of days ago.

 I don't THINK you can OD on citrus and mint, can you?

Anyway.  That's not really the reason, and you know it.  :)

While lots of people went back to school yesterday, I didn't.  I reorganized the shop a little after the fruit basket upset (do you remember that game?) of the busy weekend of selling inside and outside.  I sold some things to some people who promised they'd come in today after seeing my sidewalk sale over the weekend.  So happy when people like something I've made enough to buy it.  Still surprises me a little after over a year of doing this.

I also made something for a friend. I'm so glad she likes my my stuff, too.  I ordered some supplies to make new stuff.


I took some long moments just to breathe today.  Thankful for those moments and so thankful that I am able to create new things every day.

Mostly thankful, though, for the miraculous world right outside my window or door, every window and door I look through or go through every day and every day.  Even on days that I take everything for granted, God is always trying to show me something inspiring.

Like the sun on the tail of an eagle as it flies over my car,

Or the saucy tail flip of a young buck just entering his prime.

The no longer gawky sandhill crane colt, almost as beautiful as his mama,

Or the fierceness of an eagle not yet "bald."

The inviting cool green of the forest that always, always beckons to me ,

Or the sudden red of a maple signaling more colors to come.

The mosaic coloration of the interrupted ferns, contrasting with the still green grasses.

And the industriousness of a bumblybee, who spends every day of his short life surrounded by God's beauty.

And the darkness of the forest and the light path ahead.

Is this a metaphor for life?

 I'm sure it is. God doesn't make accidents.

If He does, they are happy ones.
