
Tuesday, August 11, 2015


I know I am psychotic.  Just a little.  I have a psychosomatic itchy spot just to the left of the first knuckle of my right hand.  If I am stressed, it itches.  I know that's weird. I've had it for years, and I haven't noticed it all summer.  But it's been itchy now for several days.

Not surprisingly, I noticed myself scratching it the other day while Bob was in the hospital.  It has continued on and off since then.  Bob is out of the hospital, so it was getting better, then this morning, it started up again.

Sitting in the principal/superintendent's office at Ewen-Trout Creek school this morning. Very nice man.  Alan.  Had great things to say about the school.  I am happy to say that Jordan will be a ETC Panther in a few weeks.

But.  Alan asked me a question.  And I thought we were getting along sooo well. 

"Would you like to be a sub?"

Itch, itch, itch. 

The answer, for right now, anyway is no, no, no (itch, itch, itch).

Also, we are looking for a house, since our current rental is unavailable after November 1.  After all the moving stuff we have just accomplished, moving some stuff down the road a piece is only a minorly itchy idea.  But it contributes to it. 

I know I am a little messed up when it comes to teaching right now.  Because, later in our conversation, Alan mentioned an exploratory program they will be starting 2nd semester, and MAYBE I would be interested in doing something with that.  I don't know what kind of look was on my face, but he must've seen a glimmer or something, because he said, "We will talk."

Later, Bob and I were driving down the road, which is one of the joys of living up here, since every drive is beautiful.  Saw deer and cranes today (and unfortunately, a few dead porcupines), and I started talking about how much FUN it would be to do a music composition exploratory thing with ETC School.  WHHHOOOOAAAAA.....!!!  Psychotic>>>>>Me. 

I have a real BIG love/hate feeling for teaching right now.  On the one hand, I am going to have a party, literally, when Jordan goes to school on Sept. 8 and I don't. 

On the other hand, I am going crazy, literally (itch, itch, itch) watching my teacher friends on Facebook talking about and posting ideas about going back to school. 

At least I know when the itch is going to stop.  Tuesday, September 8, 10:01 AM. 

Until then, I'll wear a bandaid (still looking for the Mickey Mouse ones we have around here somewhere).

Totally unrelated hummingbird pictures.  She was outside my window as I was typing.  I guess when you think about it, hummers are pretty jittery :)

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