
Saturday, July 14, 2018

My Heart Sings

May 5, 2018

If you've never been, you may never know....

Spring, after a lingering winter...

Euphoria....I felt it today.  The minute I got in the car with Bob to go for a drive.  It was in the air....literally.

If you have lived somewhere else than where I live now, maybe you don't know....that feeling of wanting to be a DOG with her head out the window, surrounded by the scents of Spring.  

Come live in the forest....I dare you...or by a really REALLY big lake.  Hang your head out the window and breathe....LIFE.

As simple as that.  And while you are at it, look around and see what other evidence you can find of the gentle burgeoning going on out there.  It's inexorable, Spring is.  Now that it's here, you couldn't stop it if you tried. 

See....the birds know it.

And the forest....oh....the forest KNOWS.  

I am so happy, every day and every day, to be a forest girl. How did I ever find my way here...I didn't, I didn't...God did.  

Thank You.

I guess maybe this feeling is even bigger than Spring.  Maybe it's not really Spring at all.  Maybe it's GRACE.  


And the birds...they still know.  

And the forest.

Yes.....the forest KNOWS

Be happy, my friends.  Find the gentle, but burgeoning, ebullient, exuberantly peaceful, yet euphoric sense of the divine in your life. And if you can't yet call it grace, call it anything you it SPRING.
