I take a lot of pictures.
Bet you didn't notice.
Actually, you probably have no idea. I could not have existed as a photographer in the days of film cameras. I have friends who work in film and take lovely artistic shots, beautiful as paintings, just a few at a time. Me....I have to take a hundred shots to get two or three that I like, sometimes. And I hoard them. But unlike a hoarder, I do take time to look back at them, because I find little clues, little insights, for instance, on bird behavior, and leaf patterns and cycles of snow and sunsets and moon rises and migration and foliage and plumage. Thrilling to me, maybe not so to everyone. So I don't, like, pull them out to show when people come over. (I'm only a teeny bit tempted to do so.) All these pictures are stored on my computer, backed up with Carbonite so I don't lose them. The best or most memorable or iconic or amusing or strange I upload to Flickr.
So Flickr has something called "Best of 2016," where you can post what you think is your best shot of the whole year. Just one. I looked through my stuff...no way could I pick one. So I thought to myself that I would pick one best from every month. No way. It started with one and then I had to add two more, until instead of 12, the number in my Best of 2016 album is:
Crazy picture-taking woman.
So I thought I'd show you and see what you think. And I'll edit (somewhat) because I would have to upload them one by one here and I may get impatient and this will end up being like the 29 Best or something and because, well, some pictures deserve an explanation, and I am going to try (hard) not to bore you with that. Maybe in some of my pics the beauty or humor or quirkiness or whatever will speak for itself, but there are other pictures the are downright important and you might not see why, until I tell you and then you DO. So if you are perplexed at why I chose a particular shot, you can ask me what's up with it. Otherwise, my captions will be short and to the point.
Lots of pictures to enjoy on a snowy day.
January 2016
I notice that my first pictures of both 2016 and 2017 are bird discovery pictures. Although I am just starting to scratch the surface of the new-to-me birds of the UP, these are some I enjoy and look for now:
Pine Grosbeak |
Lovely Pine Grosbeak boy |
Bohemian Waxwing |
Black-capped Chickadee |
Common Redpoll boy |
Something else that is new to me are the pinky pink sunrises and sunsets. So pink that the reflections make the snow turn pink as well
It's amazing how many different looks the Big Lake can have. These pictures were taken about a week apart:
Beautiful, but desolate |
Amazing Azure |
And, of course, birds:
American Goldfinch getting a drink |
Female Common Redpoll |
first of many shots of the glorious Evening Grosbeak in my yard |
one of many many |
In March, Bald Eagles are an every day thing |
love the young ones! |
But Snowy Owls...they are an extra extra special treat involving many hours on the road. |
So very worth it! |
April Fool's Day snowstorm and my first pic of a posing wolf |
followed a few days later by a closer look |
even a snowstorm doesn't stop us from trying to impress the girls |
Although others of us are, frankly, confused by it |
beautiful drive to work....yes, this is April in the UP
Finally, some spring green |
tasty maple buds and porcupine |
Bobolinks |
Rare visit from a Northern Cardinal |
Rose-breasted Grosbeak |
Lots of pics, so I will just say...
Columbine |
Hawkweed and Hover Fly |
more hawkweed |
Lupines |
Sweet Peas |
Eastern Bluebird girl |
boy |
American Goldfinch girl |
silly boy |
twinsies |
Little Blue Eyes |
Ruby-throated Hummingbird |
Brown Thrasher and yummy worm |
House Wren doing what a House Wren does |
Ring-necked Pheasant girl |
Rare in the UP Dickcissel |
my favorite fauna/faun/merman |
Wood Duck babies |
Common Mergansers |
Ruffed Grouse |
through my window |
damselfly |
what happens when you eat too many Lucky Charms |
wildflowers galore |
Wild Rose |
Queen Anne's Lace |
Great Spangled Frittilary on Swamp Milkweed (with skippers) |
Chicory |
Birdsfoot Trefoil and skipper (maybe by next year, I will know my skippers) |
Purple Finch |
Clown in chair cloud |
Experiment |
the day my room turned pink |
late fawn |
vacuum cleaner |
Peg |
Pretty doe |
curly bird |
Trumpeter Swan |
Where's George? |
lichen |
fire |
Robbins Road |
Amanita Muscaria or a sesame seed bun |
maple |
forest glow |
fern and lichen |
Larch yellow |
Ostrich Fern |
Rockland Pond |
reflections |
magic |
Pied-billed Grebe |
Mama Moose! |
regenerating aspen |
beautiful drive to work |
Turkeys in the hay |
Snow Bunting |
Evening Grosbeaks posing for the cam
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher (rare bird in the UP) |
Rare bird in my yard! |
deserves several shots |
7th recorded in Michigan....2nd in the UP |
Bullock's Oriole |
more magic from Rockland Pond (yes, this picture is in color!) |
Peg's favorite lookout |
under cover |
what's left of the sunflower (see July) |
snow on alders |
Blue Jay in the wind |
December's daily horde |
pretty boy Ring-necked Pheasant |
One more look |
pretty pink sky in my neighborhood |
Well, that's it (finally).
Can you believe that's a hundred shots? I hope you don't feel like that couple who comes to dinner and is forced to watch the vacation/wedding/birth/surgery (eww) videos. These pictures make me happy in different ways. And, don't worry (or worry just a little). I haven't stopped. I've (only) taken 429 pictures so far this year. :)
So come over sometime. I promise I won't show you all my pictures. Maybe just 100 or so.
Happy Happy 2017!
These were all beautiful Elizabeth! Thanks for inviting us in to look at them! Have a great 2017!