
Wednesday, November 4, 2015

The Road WAY less Traveled

I took the longcut to work today.

Why isn't that a word?  It should be.

After dropping Bob off at E-TC school this morning (he's subbing for music, and I am an evil woman, because that makes me smile....forgive me please, O love of my life?), I took the truck (my car has alternator problems), into the forest.  There is a longcut (yes, I'm going to use this non-word, because I LIKE IT), from the Ewen Cemetery (Cemetery Road) that connects to Forest Road 730, which comes out on M45, which is the highway I take to work.

I am so glad that daylight savings time is over.  That means I can stand to get up earlier, because it won't seem like the middle of the night.

I am not a morning person.

I am NOT a morning person.

But, if I can get up and drive through a forest as the sun rises, well, I may just have a change of heart.

Because. Wow.

Here it is, November 4.  The sun up here is tracking way farther south already, hinting at some seriously short days to come.  In spite of that, and the lack of foliage, the forest is beautiful.

It was just a little foggy this morning.

Cemetery Road is paved at first, then goes to gravel (read clay, mud, or sharp rocks that eat your tires).  Before it becomes the forest road, there are quite a few camps.

I would love to show you some more of the cute little cabins and well loved (pick one or more) toys, tools, big sheds, outhouses and other buildings, funny signs, garden gnomes, little fishing dudes sitting on wishing wells, and other doodads, but I don't want to seem snoopy by stopping and taking pictures (I just drive slow and stare...duh).  Some people (like me) would appreciate complete privacy at camp; others would probably invite everyone in for a beer (even at 8 AM), and I don't know who is which.

Once you cross into the Ottawa, there are roads but no camps, logged and unlogged areas, and nature, nature, nature.   I was completely alone on the road this morning.  So I could take my time (and I did...soooo late for work), and see what there was to see.
even naked trees are beautiful

it's for sure not endive....I don't KNOW what it is!

more mossy stuff (unidentified)

I could see this hole a long ways away.  It looks STRANGE in the center.

At least some of it.

I KNOW there are so many critters I don't see, even driving slow.  It was warm enough to keep my windows down and listen.  I heard a Red Squirrel cheeping at me.  I looked and looked for said Red Squirrel, and here is my best picture:

No, I don't see him, either.  If you spot him, PLEASE let me know.  He was RIGHT THERE.

I also got several BAD pictures of birds.
bad chickadee....he taunted me and then wouldn't sit still for his portrait

bad woodpecker....he had things to do and places to be

Worthless, but noisy, and fun to watch.  This is why you need to drive over and join me some morning, or any other time (Work?  Who needs it!), for a falk in the worest. or a frive in the dorest...either one...I'm game.

Anyway, all good things must come to an end, and I came to the beginning of the forest road (I know that seems backwards, but that's where the signs are), and onto highway 45 for my drive north.

don't worry...I stayed on the road

I was north of Rockland this morning when one more thing slowed me (to a complete stop, actually) down.

Rumble in the Jungle!
can you see eagle number two?

Five or six eagles, plus one crow (brave soul) fighting over some roadkill.  I see that a lot here.  If a deer dies, sometimes it takes days, but the scavengers will make it disappear.  In the summer it's mostly Turkey Vultures, but now, the Bald Eagles are the supreme beings. I have seen a fox, ravens and crows, and a Rough-legged Hawk fighting over their yummies in this manner, too.  Thank God there are no hyenas in the UP!  Anyway, the eagles posed nicely for me, at least when they took a break from fighting.

just minding their own business, feaking their beaks (Look it up.  It's a thing.), when....

vicious surprise attack!

What did I tell you?  Rumble!

temporary truce (and more feaking)

even more


am I right?'s Rumble even topped the reason I was late YESTERDAY.  Even though yesterday's distraction was cuter, I think.

don't wake me, can't you see I'm mostly NOCTURNAL?!!!

getting ready to attack!

or slay me with cuteness

I even made a movie, as the porcupine started to move.  But then I felt guilty, because either I scared him, and he was coming down the tree to hide, or he was a vicious attack porcupine, rushing (at .00005 mph) to get me.  You decide.


I am in awe.

Quite often, actually.

I hope wherever you are, you are able take time to be late for work sometimes, just so you can see the stuff God put out there for everybody to see.

PS:  I got to work (late) and was supposed to meet some guys about the heat in our shop.  They came in twenty minutes later than me, something like an hour late.  I am beginning to think it's the way things work around here.  I call it Yooper time.  And can you blame anyone?  Too much distraction (porcupine!!!!). It's good to live in the UP!

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