
Monday, July 18, 2016

Bluey Blueberry Blue

A year ago, we discovered a small blueberry patch at our camp.  Last year, I was thrilled to pick wild blueberries for the first time in my life.

All 23 of them.

Most of the 23, and look how small they were! Still, I was excited!

Then something happened.  The patch got mowed around, and then it rained....and rained and rained.
This year...blueberry bonanza!

A week or so ago, I picked enough blueberries to make a batch of scones.  I was happy.

I ate these!

The next time, I picked this many:

Enough to make TWO batches of VERY blueberry scones. Yes...this made me very happy.

First of all, I really like scones.  Great with my morning coffee.  Not too sweet, but rich and a little buttery.  And LOTS, maybe too many blueberries in them. Or not!  Anyway...I froze enough to last quite a while.

So, I figured if I have a few blueberries at my camp, chances are a lot of people around here have a LOT of blueberries.  So, for the first time ever, I'm including a recipe in my blog.  I made this recipe up, based on what I know and love and don't love about the scone recipes I've tried.

I started with Bisquick, because I had some, and because I knew it would make my recipe a little simpler.  So if you have some, and want to try this recipe, I think you will like it. This is my doubled recipe, since I had plenty of blueberries.  If you want to cut it in half, I'm sure you'll find that easy to do

So here goes.  Start with:

2 cups of fresh blueberries.  I like to toss mine up with about 2 tablespoons of sugar and let them
before the toss
sit while I mix up the other ingredients...brings out the flavor of them, I think.

In a large mixing bowl combine:
4 and 2/3 cups of Bisquick baking mix
2/3 cup sugar (more if you want)

In separate bowl or mixing cup combine:
8 tablespoons melted butter (I don't do margarine, sorry)
2/3 cup milk
2 large eggs, beaten slightly
brown eggs are are greenish-blue ones :)

Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and mix up just until combined.

Fold in the blueberries.

You will notice, if you are a scone aficionado, that this makes a very soft scone dough..which I like, because some scones can be so hard and dense. So I take my medium kitchen scoop, and scoop out heaping scoops.
I bake on a pizza stone that's been sprayed with a little cooking oil, then flatten them slightly (the bottom of a sugar-dipped glass works great for this) so they are about 1/2 inch thick.

I baked one batch on this small stone, 2 batches on the large stone.  If you don't have a pizza stone, a cookie sheet works fine. But I think you should get a least for pizza :)

Bake at 350 until lightly browned and cooked in the center (about 15 minutes).   Makes about 26 nice size scones.


I noticed Saturday that the raspberries at our camp are just about ripe.

Life is good in the UP!

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